How to Build Your Email List

Most of the time when someone asks how to grow their email list what they're really asking is, "How can I get 1,000 people on my list this month so I can hurry up and start selling to them?" Most people won't admit that, but honestly, if I could give one secret tip that would answer that question wouldn't you go for it in a heartbeat?

The truth of the matter is, the very nature of a successful email list has nothing to do with its size. It has to do with the engagement and loyalty of the people on that list. And getting loyalty and engagement takes time, attention and quality content.
There are several things you need to do off the bat to make sure you're giving people every opportunity possible to opt-in to your list. It isn't easy to get someone's email address. It's your job to make opting in to your list easy and compelling.
Using Opt-ins to Build Your Email List
To make subscribing easy, be sure you have several places on your blog where people can opt in to receive some type of free goodie. The side bar, and header of your site are common locations for an opt-in box. But you should also consider adding a pop up. Even though just about everyone will say they hate pop ups, the truth is, they work. Today's pop ups have settings that allow you to make them as customized as you like. They don't have to be the intrusive screen covering monstrosities of years past.
Other great places to have your opt-ins:
  • Email signature line
  • Social Media profiles
  • Each blog post (up to five different types leading to the same freebie in each post)
  • Business card
  • Bios of guest posts you write for other sites
Using Freebies to Build Your Email List
When creating your opt-in, you need a really amazing freebie. This should be something that offers a quick win to the person receiving it, but it shouldn't take you a long time to create. Consider the fact that the person opting in is probably a newbie in your area of expertise. Ask yourself:
  • What questions do newbies in your field want answered?
  • Which questions do you get asked all of the time?
  • What do you wish you'd known when you were first starting out
Stay away from freebies that don't offer a really quick win for your reader. They'll put it aside to work on later and will probably never get back to it and, thus, never realize how valuable your content is to them.
Using Great Content to Build Your Email List
No matter how many places you guest post, how many blogs you write or how many emails you send out, if you want to build your email list quickly, you need to provide really amazing content. Nothing you do will build your list more quickly than word of mouth.
If you want people to share your terrific email with their friends, make sure those friends can easily find a way to add themselves to your list. Post snippets of your blog on social media and provide a spot on the blog to opt in to get a freebie that compliments the blog's content. Have a spot on your social media profiles where people can sign up for your list via an app or Call to Action in your header.
Building a strong, responsive email list takes time. It takes work. But if you leverage the work you're already doing to create amazing content that your followers love to read, you'll have a list of raving fans before you know it!

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